Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Sounds of Saturn

Mysterious. Billions of miles from the sun, the ringed planet emits electromagnetic frequencies which, if attuned to audio speakers, produce an eerie sound. If one removes the static, even further, what you are left with is a strange series of unearthly noises. Some have likened this to "alien language", though no one knows exactly what these recordings are. They were taken by the Cassini space probe.

The vacuum of space, although a virtual void, is filled with electromagnetic frequencies which emanate from all heavenly bodies and in many different forms. In our own solar system, a thin gas medium existent between most of the planets and their moons allows further recording of sounds in the planets' ionospheres, and even the sounds of the rushing winds on the planets themselves, such as those of Neptune. Electromagnetic radiation from these bodies also lends a variety of strange and curiously audible sounds... everything from the planet's moons to the planet's rings ring with some kind of cosmic song, and that is not all - stars too produce this alien music, even all the way in the furthest reaches of known space, their cosmic song rings across eternity...

Saturn's Rings:
Uranus' Rings:

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