Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lamian Words

How to change cases/Declension guide: Lamian Cases

Words that do not end in -as  decline just like normal words except that the Nominative form often lacks -as. This is because those words are not derived from verbs.


aithas - aether, od, aetheral energy and being
aras - air, nobility
asmas - position, way
doas - yonder (adj)
dos - stone, brick, sediment, v.1 to sediment, to settle, to cake, to amass, to harden
edas - unrelenting, ferocious, in fury, entranced, possessed
eiras - heights, angels
elas - heroy, bravery, spirit, will, friend, fellow, compatriot
eles - eye
epas - far-reaching, wide, long
etas - forewarning, ominous
gathas - flame, spark, figuratively a man, v. to dance, wisp
lapas - component, piece, unit, part
lepas - particle, unit, atom
magas - power, alchemy, science, magus
mayas - nurse, sister, nourisher, chaneller for Galas, attending maiden, tool, mother

modas - vibration, current, world, alterium, bound excursion (not used in sense of universe or altraum), bound fragment, continuum, the current world ,(mode of existence)

ostas - light, glow, the gentle light of morning, forms: ostemlai = sun's rays, ostayor = morning
palas - color, shade, shadow, emission, fruit, bud, flower, cast (thing itself)
paras - sphere, globe (geometry), v. to glide, orbit, go across
pelas - shade, skin, surface, shell (sea shell), face, thing
saras - sea/ocean, swarm, heavy
sopas - courteous host
uram - depths, waters; uncountable (uran)
bai - bee, wasp
both - chamber, compartment, hole, cell, burrow, nest, boith - honeycomb
eon - onion, bulb
dan - fir tree, fir forest
daum - smoke, light ash, scent, daumith - heavy ashes
thel - bird, avian
thuen - home, place where things belong
duen - path, way, course, track, loc. edueneas=to follow one's orbit
duer - gate

dul - rampart, room, pocket, enclave, cave, bunker, shelter, domain, vicinity, layer, inside of a shell (shell is shield/field/wall/barrier/gate/structure)

dun - noise, rumble, din
dum - depths, space, room
dur - dimension, world, especially a higher one; the spirit world, greater cosmic current, metaworlds
dirg - earth
don - unstable, dizzy, dancing, falling, shaking, trembling, abused
durg - shame, embarassment, serpent, scar
emla - tree, female
gam - heat, energy
gasma - see yab
 lad - liquid, oil, bathe, foam
lan - cloth, fabric, linen, a line, strap, lace
lath - track of land, enclosement, land

las - lapus lazuli, cutting force, culling force, n o t e : gerimith and lasimith are considered sister-stones- one for growing, one for shearing. v. form is "shear" or "to cut". v. to cut

les - lace, string
lith - tear, rain drop (especially when the drop is running down something)
lod - body, shadow, shape, contour
lom - ample bosom, womb
lor - shadow, place, cast
lur - petal, flower petal, also used figuratively to mean child, a bud
man - place, temple, house
mas - lily pad, moss, algae, any soft cover
mes - moss, algae
min - love, eternal existence
mis - stream, brook, smaller river; moisture in soil, humidity
mith - stone, or grey
moc - forest, boundary, sea (of sth)

mor - field, sea, forms: moras yor/morayur = nightfall, twilight (when the stars appear, lit. opening of the field of stars)

mur - place, land, person, place-spirit, a whisper, a murmur, murmur in the earth. murai are trapped in the ground

mus - damp, tainted, filled, touched
nal - soft, like ground powder
nel - clump, lump, bump, clod, hill,hilltop (also nol)
nan - water, light/soft/powdery snow
nar - pond creature, insect
nas - snowy, snow, water, fluid-like, liquidy
nis - water, snow (harder than nas)
nin - snow
nir - band, chain, bridle, reign, strap, as a verb: to wrap around (lan)
niur - soon

nor - hole, gash, wound, defect, opening, crag, tear, lit. a "both" that has been emptied or hollowed out

num - cloud, nebula, collection of many things, brains, thought/conception/inception, nursery, free/anscestral spirits of a place too

nur - child, child of the stream, elf, water-mur, nymph, bride, blossom. Like mur, but less restricted to a place, transcendant of earth, or a running stream or growing plant

pad - a small trail on a hill or through a meadow, as a verb: to go along a path
reth - root, toe, foot, origin, support, spoke; red, rose, as a verb: to originate
sal - salt, mineral, powder, substance, medicine, lime (Salimith - rocky substance, ore)

sar - heavy, beating, pounding, smashing, hammer, something that comes down, falls (galasar - the fading/falling of a star)

sat - crystal, clarity, accuse, say truth, implant
sot - spilling, lumbering, saturation, bursting, decadent
sin - metal, ore
thal - to reckon, account for, count, take into order, inspect: thalas, also means "initiate"
thaud - corner, extreme or minimum of an ellipse, apsis, periapsis, apoapsis
ther - wind, zephyr, gust, expulsion, convulsion, breeze of air, breath
yab - gap, void, chasm, expansive
yar - segment, portion, instance (usually of time), point, spot, one out of a whole
yel - cold, devoid of heat or energy, dead

yer - procession, process, march, order forth, plan that is enacted, line, row as a verb: to proceed, march, go forth, and when paired with object = to depart

yir - sequence, set, order, line, row

yol - hill, mound, boulder, parabolic expression or protrusion, usually of land (Yolas Dirg). Yoluas is the arch of a letter, and yollan/lanas yol is arch.

yor/yur/gur - reinstigation, resurrection, rising, coming
yun - vegitable, bulb, herb

asaras - lake
osaras - pond
aluas - eternity
aluen - river
oluas - word, rune, inscription, script, letter, chant
eleas - seat, pedestel
etei - may you be
ulos - inhale
elos - exhale
thar - vector

Examples of combinations:

emla - tree
emlayir - a row of trees
emlith - a small group of trees
emlayer - procession of trees, as a verb: cutting down a tree (emlayeras, emlayerin, emlayeranniur)


-aies    many
-ain     having done something
-ainna    most, very (adjectival)
-en     instrumentive noun maker
-eni    how many
-ete    as, like, in the way/mode of
-i        with
-ine    (verbs) to, in order to, towards (opposite of tei)
-iat    agent marker/having done something, e.g. miriat = having seen
-iet    being as, as a, being, to be
-ior    question marker (v/n)
-ioru    question marker, "if without"
-o       from, by, because of
-te      gerund, subjunctive marker (v) (-ing, jp. -te)
-tei     when, if, during the moment of, after this, direct subjunctive for (v), describes following event
-un     time, place, event, also -eimas
-an     (verb) conjugate marker, also means "that which", in continuous verbal sense (especially when not connected to any suffix.)

poetic devices:
-iol    (unknown)
-em    related to the speaker
-es     related to the listener

yey    now and then, sporadically
yayu    beginning, suddenly
yoyu    suddenly
yoy      now
yae      then, that, in which
de        last

a    and, but also
e    and, also, with
cyo    what, interrogative pronoun (as in cyo leseinne?')
sa     then, therefore, so, thus, well, anyways
ta     singularly, only, alone, just, w/o when paired w/ gen
ue    for what, towards what, lit. "towards not?", also means reason or cause
ut    and

mui      negation, not, ex. easiet mui easiet:to be or not to be
muie    no more, not any more
muis    if not, if not for, without
mie      ever, never, forever
mies    if ever

This should be my last post about Lamian. It was good while it lasted. Take what you can from it.

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