Continued from the post l_pie01_01
Hasidurath, With a New Grammar
Conjugation and
Declension System
-ath singular nominative
-ith plural nominative
-ai singular or plural accusative
-iai plural accusative, plural genitive
-em first person singular
-es second person singular
-eth third person singular
-im “in”
-am “to, for”
-an “at, toward”
to English
aikverath squirrel
aukath eye
ausath ear
auvath sheep
beiath bee
daudurith the dead
deigath day
eurath world
euridath earth
geldomath the cold
gesirath hand
guenath woman
hadurath flame
hasdurath star
hasurath blood
hedanath tooth
hequath horse
hequiath water
hostath bone
kaudath skin
kaupedath head
keridath heart
krauth gore
kurath child
laudith people
laukdomath light
manskath human
mensath moon
nasath nose
nausath gold
nelath cloud
noktath night
nokurith the dead
podath foot
pepelath butterfly
purath fire
quonath dog
skauth sky
staurath cow
sulpath brimstone
sulpurath sulfur
surath sun
taurath animal
vesurath evening
veverath chipmunk
virath man
virgath worm
vodurath water
vulkath wolf
vulpath fox
to Hasidurath
animal taurath
bee beiath
blood hasurath
bone hostath
brimstone sulpath
butterfly pepelath
child kurath
chipmunk veverath
cloud nelath
cold gelidomath
cow staurath
day deigath
dead nokurith, daudurith
dog quonath
ear ausath
earth euridath
evening vesirath
eye aukath
fire purath
flame hadurath
foot podath
fox vulpath
gold nausath
gore krauth
hand gesirath
head kaupedath
heart keridath
horse hequath
human manskath
light laukdomath
man virath
moon mensath
nose nasath
night noktath
people laudith
sheep auvath
skin kaudath
sky skauth
star hasidurath
squirrel aikverath
sulfur sulpurath
sun surath
tooth hedanath
water vodurath, hequiath
wolf vulkath
woman guenath
world eurath
worm virgath
man in the moon – Virath mensim
hide your fires – Hasduris, puriai caudis